Alcohol abuse and binge drinking are common, and they put many people at risk of alcohol poisoning, alcohol addiction, and chronic alcohol-related health problems. This means that consuming four...
Alcoholic neuropathy, a condition caused by sustained and excessive alcohol consumption, can be painful and debilitating. To help diagnose this condition, medical professionals will perform a variety of...
The liver metabolizes alcohol at a rate of about one unit per hour, which is roughly equivalent to 10 milliliters (ml) or 8 grams of alcohol. The experience of...
Most people who have a simple fainting spell have no underlying heart or neurological (nerve or brain) problem. If a blackout is caused by alcohol or drug use, you...
If cleaning isn’t your strong suit or you and your husband both work, hire a cleaner once a week. If you have kids at home, make sure they are...
A TIA, also known as a "little stroke" (although that isn't completely accurate medically), is a brief blockage in the brain that can cause lapses in memory, along with...
There is a high chance that death will occur due to respiratory failure. There are also mutual support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous that can help those suffering from...
According to Drink Aware's 2019 study on drinking behaviours in the UK, year-olds were the most likely to be teetotal, with 26% refraining from drinking. Those feelings are within...
This strict definition is commonly upheld by groups like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), where the focus is on total abstinence to avoid any potential triggers for relapse. Identifying triggers and...
Residents may face challenges such as limited privacy and potential conflicts with housemates. Each sober living home has specific entry requirements, making them more or less appropriate depending on...